Vibhītakī is one among triphala. As one among triphala, vibhītakī most commonly used in Ayurveda medicines preparation. Bhīta in Sanskrit term means fear. Vibhīta means lack of fear and Vibhītakī means the fruits that takes away the fear of diseases. Here is the detail of Vibhītakī in table form.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Triphala Cūrna
Triphala is the combination of three fruits of herbal drugs that are Amalaki, Vibhitaki, and Haritaki. It is the most used herbal formulation used in Ayurveda.
Friday, June 5, 2020
Brief Introduction of Bhaiṣajya Kalpanā
Bhaiṣajya Kalpanā is Ayurveda Herbal Pharmaceutics. So in this article I want to explain you in brief about Bhaiṣajya Kalpanā. Bhaiṣajya Kalpanā is composed of two words, bhaiṣajya and kalpanā.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis): Definition, Properties and Usage
Sanskrit name |
Amalaki, Amalaka |
Botanical name |
officinalis Gaertn. |
Family |
Phyllanthaceae |
Vernacular name -
English -
Indonesia -
Hindi -
Kannada -
Malayalam -
Tamil -
Bengali -
Gujarat -
Punjab -
Assam -
Manipuri -
Marathi -
Urdu -
Arab |
Indian gooshberry Amla, amloko Amla, Awla, Anwla,
Ambala, Amlika Nelli, Nellikai Nelli Nellikkai,
Perunelli, Nellikaae Aamla, Amla,
Aamalaki, Aamro Aavla, Aamlam,
Aamli Aamla, Ambalo,
Ambul Amlaki, Amla,
Amlokhi, Amlok Heikru Aouli, Avalkati,
Avil, Avla Aamla, Amal khushk Amlakhushk |
Part Used |
Fruit pulp |
Rasa (taste) |
Amla (sour) Madhura (sweet) Kaṭu (pungent) Tikta (bitter) Kaṣaya (astringent) |
Guna (properties) |
Laghu (light) Rukṣa (dry) |
Vīrya (Potency) |
Śīta (cooling) |
Vipāka (metabolic effect) |
Madhura (sweet) |
Gaṇa (grouping) |
Panca Kaṣaya Triphala Mustadi gaṇa Paruṣakadi gaṇa Amla skandha Nikumbhadi gaṇa |
Action |
Rasayana (rejuvenating) Vajikarana (aphrodiasiac) Cakṣusya (eye tonic) Vayasthapana (youth preserving) |
Usage |
Raktapitta (bleeding) Amlapitta (gastritis) Prameha (diabetes) Daha (burning sensation) Netra roga (eye disease) Kusṭha (skin disease) Arśa (hemorrhoids) Rajayakṣma (Phthisis) Pradara (leukoderma) Mutra krcchra (dysuria) |
Effect to body |
Decrease vāta,
pitta, kapha |
content |
Vitamin C Carotene Nicotinic acid Myoinositol Riboflavin Fatty acids Phyllembin Phyllemblic acid Mucic acid Embicol D-mannosyl D-glucosyl D-galactosyl
residues Embicol L-rhamnosyl D-xylosyl D-arabinosyl Pectin D-fructose D-glucose Leucodelphinidin Procyanidin 3-O-gallated
prodelphinidin Tannin (in bark) Ellagic acid Lupeol Oleanolic aldehyde O-acetyl oleanolic
acid |
Distribution |
India, Indonesia,
Sri Lanka, Nepal, and other tropical country |
Morphology Size Leaves Flowers Fruits Seeds Tree Bark |
Up to 8-18 meters
height Simple, light
green, subsessile, resembling pinnate leaves. Small,
greenish-yellow Round, nearly
spherical, light greenish yellow, smooth, shining, presence of vertical
stripes. Trigonous Brown in colour |
Products |
Amalaki churna Triphala churna Baladya grita Amalaki avaleha Etc. |
is tridoṣahara drug, means it give benefit to all tridoṣa or curing the disease
by imbalance of vāta, pitta as well as kapha.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Brief Introduction of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is an Indian science of medicine. In samhita of Ayurveda mentioned
Ayuhu vedayati iti
The meaning is "The
science that tells us about Ayu is known as Ayurveda."
What is ayu? Ayu is
life. In samhita of Ayurveda said that Ayu is
the combination of body, sense organs, mind and soul.
The synonym of Ayu are Dhari,
Jivitam, Nityagam and Anubandha.
Ayurveda as Upaveda
Ayurveda is the upaveda of either Rigveda
or Atharvaveda. Upaveda mean applied or secondary knowledge. Veda is
known as the holy book of Hinduism. Rigveda as well as Atharvaveda is
one among the four main holy books in Hinduism. The four holy books are: Rigveda,
Samaveda, Yajurveda, and Atharvaveda.
![]() |
Even though Ayurveda as the upaveda of either Rigveda
or Atharvaveda, the knowledge of Ayurveda also mentioned in the
remaining three vedas but not as detail as in Atharvaveda. So Ayurveda
is considered as upaveda of Atharvaveda. Each veda has its
own speciality.
Rigveda mainly contains
various hymns for praying to vedic Gods such as Agni, Indra, Mitra,
Varuna, Surya, etc. (Wikipedia)
Samaveda mainly
contains melodies and chants. Samaveda has the root of music and dance
tradition of this planet. (Wikipedia)
Yajurveda mainly
contains primarily prose mantras for worship rituals. The Yajurveda is
broadly grouped into two – Krishna Yajurveda (black) and Shukla Yajurveda
(white). (Wikipedia)
contains formula for magic and also the daily rituals for initiations into learning,
marriage and funerals. Further, royal rituals and the duties of the court priests
are also included in Atharvaveda. (Wikipedia)
The Branches of Ayurveda
There are 8 branches of Ayurveda. As mentioned in Aṣṭāñga Hṛdaya
branches of Ayurveda are:
- Kāya
cikitsa – The branch of Ayurveda which is deal with the treatment
of diseases arising from disorders of digestive activity (Inner Medicine).
- Bāla cikitsa – The branch of Ayurveda which is deal with the treatment of diseases of children (Paediatrics).
- Graha cikitsa – The branch of Ayurveda which is deal with treatment of diseases arises from possession by evil spirits, pathogenic micro-organism etc. and deal with mainly with mental diseases (Psychiatry).
- Ūrdhvañga cikitsa – The branch of Ayurveda which is deal with treatment of diseases of the head inclusive of the eyes (ophthalmology), ears (otology), nose (rhinology), throat (laryngology), and teeth (dentistry).
- Śalya
cikitsa – The branch of Ayurveda which is deal with treatment
of diseases of requiring the use of knife or surgery. Also known as śastra
- Damṣṭrā
cikitsa – The branch of Ayurveda which is deal with treatment
of diseases due to poisoning (toxicology).
- Jarā cikitsa – The branch of Ayurveda which is deal with treatment of diseases of old age (geriatrics). It is also known as Rasayana cikitsa. and
- Vṛsa cikitsa – The branch of Ayurveda which is deal with treatment of diseases like impotency, sterility etc. and making man sexually strong (aphrodisiac).